GreenValley LiAir 50N

The LiAir 50N is a lightweight UAV- or sUAS-mounted LiDAR survey instrument designed and produced by GreenValley International (GVI). This system features a Velodyne's Puck laser scanner and it is one of the most cost-effective LiDAR systems in GVI’s LiAir Series. This lightweight 3D surveying and mapping payload was designed with DJI’s Matrice 600 Pro & DJI M300 RTK series platforms. LiAir 50N is able to provide highly accurate 3D point cloud data and is a great fit for applications in a wide variety of industries. And it is also equipped with a high-definition digital camera, which can be used to generate photogrammetry products as well as true color 3D point clouds.

  • HIGH PRECISION - Accuracy meets the requirements of large-scale topographic mapping.
  • HIGH EFFICIENCY - 2 square kilometers by one device per day.
  • SIMPLE OPERATION - One-button process data collection, one-button take-off and landing automatically execute the route.

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GreenValley LiAir 50N

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